A letter to my 11 year old daughter — about a gratitude mindset
Dear Sweetheart,
I love you.
I am sorry for losing my temper this morning. I try hard not to, but sometimes my frustration at your behavior takes over. I am sorry I had to punish you.
Before your mom and I got married. I was heavily invested in the Singapore stock market. In the year 2000, I lost a lot of money. Several companies wanted to make me bankrupt. It was a difficult time but I focused on being grateful that I had your mom.
Just after you were born, we found that you had a very rare condition that effected your little heart, called Kawasaki’s disease. You had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks. We were so worried we would lose you! I kept my focus on being grateful for the family support. We had over a hundred people at your grandparent’s prayer group praying for you!
We moved to Vancouver. We had some difficulty finding a place of our own. I remained grateful that we had the opportunity to start our own Fastrackids business.
A couple of years later, we closed Fastrackids. We lost a lot of money. It was a very difficult time for business partnerships and friendships. I remained focus on being grateful that I had you, your brothers and mom.
Sweetheart, do you see why I have such a blessed life? I have a beautiful family, home and wonderful friends. We are all healthy. We get to vacation often. We have more than we need.
Through our difficulties, if I focused on the bad stuff, things would be different. I would not have married your mom. You would not be here.
Please listen to me:
You must stop focusing on that strand of hair that won’t go down. That part of the shirt that sticks out. The piano chair that slips a bit. The rain.
Stop focusing on yourself.
When we only focus on ourselves, and our discomfort. We complain.
Being around someone that complains constantly is the most unpleasant thing. Complainers will attract other complainers. You do not want to be in that company.
When there is something bothering you, try to fix it. If you can’t, then think of 3 other things that you are grateful for. And focus on these things.
With love forever,